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Kun je een AED gebruiken in de regen?

Can you use an AED in the rain?

Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can be life-saving during a cardiac arrest. But what if it rains? Can you safely use an AED in the rain? In this blog, we discuss the safety aspects of using an AED in wet conditions and provide tips on how to use it effectively.

  1. AEDs are water resistant

Most AEDs are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain. They are often water-resistant and can be used safely in wet environments. However, it is important to check whether the AED meets the IP (Ingress Protection) standards, which indicate protection against dust and water. More information about these standards can be found on the Hartstichting.

  1. Safe use of an AED in the rain

Although AEDs are water resistant, there are some guidelines you should follow to ensure you can use the device safely:

  • Dry the patient: Make sure the patient's skin is dry before applying the electrodes. This prevents water from getting between the electrodes and the skin, which can reduce the effectiveness of the shock.
  • Protect the AED: Try to keep the AED as dry as possible. If the device is wet, wipe it with a dry cloth before using it.
  1. Training and preparation

It is essential to know how to use an AED correctly, regardless of the weather conditions. Taking a CPR course can help you be prepared for emergencies. The Dutch CPR Council offers various courses to improve your knowledge and skills.


Yes, you can safely use an AED in the rain, as long as you take some precautions. Most AEDs are waterproof and designed to be used in different weather conditions. Make sure you keep the patient dry and handle the AED properly for effective resuscitation.

Be prepared! Check out our range of AEDs and make sure you are ready to save lives, no matter the weather!
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