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Welkom bij AEDwijzer, dé merkonafhanelijke AED leverancier. Welkom bij AEDwijzer, dé merkonafhanelijke AED leverancier.

Together we save lives

At AEDwijzer you will not only find AEDs, AED batteries and electrodes, but also an extensive selection of AED accessories, including AED trainers and AED cabinets. With 100% approved AEDs, your environment becomes safer.
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Extensive offer

Range full of top brands

Fast support

We are ready for you

Good service

for affordable prices

Discover our offer


Quality, expert employees (who are also very nice) and fast delivery.


Requested a quotation for 2 AEDs, but due to administrative pressure, the quotation period had expired. They thought it was no problem, so we extended the term anyway.


Order just packed and delivered as it should be.


Smooth and fast service!

VvE Doornakkers

Fast delivery, so AEDs can be used again during an event.


Excellent prices, excellent accessibility and support. What else do you want?


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