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Provide a safe environment

Ensure a safe environment: AEDs make the difference

Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time, whether at home, at work, in a shopping mall or while playing sports. It is shocking to know that most cardiac arrests occur outside of the hospital, where medical help is not immediately available. Therefore, it is essential to ensure a safe environment by increasing the availability of AEDs.

With an AED we ensure that as many places as possible are heart-safe

By placing AEDs in strategic locations, such as offices, sports centres, schools and public spaces, we increase the chance that someone will quickly receive the right help in the event of a cardiac arrest. This is crucial, because every minute counts: the faster an AED is used, the greater the chance of survival.

AEDs contribute to a (heart) safe environment by ensuring that everyone can intervene immediately when necessary. They offer the possibility to save a life before professional help arrives. It can literally make the difference between life and death.

Conclusion: Make every room heart-safe.

Installing AEDs in as many locations as possible and educating people about their use ensures that everyone always has access to the right help in an emergency. Together we can ensure that cardiac arrest does not have to mean the end, but the beginning of a quick, life-saving action!


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