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Register as a citizen responder

Register as a citizen responder: Make a difference in n

In the Netherlands, citizens can play a crucial role in saving lives during cardiac arrest. By registering as a citizen responder, you not only help your fellow man, but also society as a whole. Every second counts in a cardiac arrest, and with the right training you can make a difference.

What is a citizen responder?

A citizen responder is a trained person who can intervene in emergencies, especially during a cardiac arrest. These volunteers are warned via a special app when a cardiac arrest occurs in the area. By signing up, you increase the chance that lives are saved in your area.

Why you should sign up

  1. Direct impact: Your efforts can save lives. By responding to a call, you can bridge the time until professional help arrives.
  2. Knowledge and skills: By signing up, you will gain access to training and courses in CPR and AED use. This is valuable knowledge that you can apply not only in emergencies, but also in everyday life.
  3. Community Support: Join a network of people who are committed to keeping others safe. Together, you can make a positive impact in your community.

How do I register?

Registering as a citizen responder is easy and can usually be done online. Here are some steps to register:

  1. Choose a platform: Register through an organization such as HartslagNu , which coordinates citizen responders in the Netherlands.
  2. Get trained: Make sure you get a CPR course. This can be done through local first aid associations or online platforms such as the Dutch Heart Foundation.
  3. Download the App: Install the HartslagNu app on your smartphone so that you can be immediately warned in the event of an emergency in your area.

Be prepared with an AED

As a citizen responder, it is also important to be well prepared. Make sure you know where the nearest AED is and how to use it. Having an AED in your area increases the chance of survival in the event of cardiac arrest. For more information about AEDs, visit our webshop.

Want to make a difference? Register today as a citizen responder via HartslagNu and help save lives in your area!

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