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Waarom een AED in zwembaden onmisbaar is?

Why is an AED indispensable in swimming pools?

Summer is the season of sun, fun, and water activities. Swimming pools attract countless visitors, from families with children to adults looking to relax. But with all this fun comes an increased risk of cardiac arrest, especially for those participating in high-impact activities. Having an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) near a pool is crucial for swimmers’ safety. Here are a few reasons why an AED is a must-have in swimming pools, especially in the summer.

Increased risk of cardiac arrest

Heat, physical exertion, and immersion in cold water can put stress on the heart, especially in people with underlying heart conditions. Cardiac arrests can occur suddenly, and a quick response is essential to save lives.

Speed ​​of response

In an emergency, every second counts. Having an AED near a swimming pool can significantly increase a victim’s chances of survival. Studies show that the chance of survival increases by 70% if a defibrillator is used within 3-5 minutes of a cardiac arrest.

Easy to use

Modern AEDs are designed with ease of use in mind. They provide clear spoken instructions and visual cues, so that even laypeople can intervene effectively. This is especially important in busy environments such as swimming pools, where people with different backgrounds and experience levels are present.


Swimming pools are often busy places, and it is crucial that emergency services can arrive quickly. Placing an AED near the swimming pool facilities increases the accessibility of this life-saving device and ensures that everyone in the area can act quickly in the event of an emergency.

Education and training

Having an AED is just the first step. It is also important that staff and visitors know how to use the device and provide first aid. Organizing training for staff and interested visitors can ensure that everyone is well prepared for emergencies.


An AED in swimming pools is not only a smart investment, but a necessary step to ensure the safety of swimmers, especially in the summer. It is crucial that swimming pools are equipped with this life-saving device and that staff is trained in its use.

Keep swimmers safe! Check out our AEDs and make your pool a safe place for everyone.
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