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Ambu baby resuscitation doll

Original price €439,00 - Original price €439,00
Original price
€439,00 - €439,00
Current price €439,00

Realistic baby CPR manikin for effective training

Discover the Ambu Baby, a comprehensive resuscitation manikin that accurately replicates a baby up to one year old. This advanced manikin offers lifelike details, such as movable arms and legs, and integrates technologies that enable realistic resuscitation training, including a breathing mechanism that only works when the head is correctly positioned. In addition, the Ambu Baby can simulate choking scenarios, making for versatile and effective training.

Extensive features for realistic resuscitation exercises

The Ambu baby offers essential features such as the head tilt/chin lift technique for airway opening, visual control of stomach inflation and realistic anatomy to identify the correct compression point. The chest and abdomen move naturally during compressions, while the brachial artery pulsation allows for precise training. The unique on/off sliding mechanism allows the instructor to simulate an airway obstruction, for an even more realistic scenario. Furthermore, the manikin is equipped with a hygienic system that prevents cross-contamination, making every training session safe and effective.

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