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Ambu baby iQF resuscitation doll

Original price €497,00 - Original price €497,00
Original price
€497,00 - €497,00
Current price €497,00

Innovative baby training doll for resuscitation

Discover the Ambu baby iQF, an advanced training manikin that allows you to practice chest compressions and ventilations. Equipped with the iQF system for optimal CPR performance, it offers seamless Bluetooth connectivity to the accompanying app, providing instructors and participants with a modern and interactive training experience.

Extensive features and data-driven training

With Bluetooth connectivity, you can easily connect the Ambu baby iQF to the app and monitor up to six manikins simultaneously. This system offers hygienic ventilation solutions, extensive feedback via the app, and the ability to save sessions for later evaluation. Take your CPR training to the next level with this innovative and interactive solution.

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