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Ambu junior resuscitation doll

Original price €478,80 - Original price €478,80
Original price
€478,80 - €478,80
Current price €478,80

Ambu junior child resuscitation doll for realistic training

The Ambu junior, successor to the Ambu Simulaids Kind Kyle, is specially designed to teach basic child resuscitation techniques. With the appearance of a 3-year-old child and a waterproof finish, this manikin is ideal for training drowning scenarios. The realistic resuscitation experience is enhanced by the fact that ventilation is only possible with a correctly performed chin lift, while the airway remains blocked if the head is not positioned correctly.

Hygienic and complete training experience with the Ambu Junior

The Ambu Junior features a one-way valve to prevent exhaled air from being passed on to the next trainee, ensuring safe and hygienic training. The airway is opened using the head tilt/chin lift technique, and replacing the lungs and airway is easy without much disassembly. Nipple points, the costal arch and the sternum are clearly palpable, which helps teach correct hand placement for chest compressions. The Ambu Junior is an indispensable learning tool for training resuscitation skills in children.

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