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Ambu junior mouth/nose pieces, 10 pieces

Original price €58,00 - Original price €58,00
Original price
€58,00 - €58,00
Current price €58,00

Hygienic system with replaceable mouth-nose pieces for Ambu junior

Ambu has designed an innovative hygienic system for its resuscitation dolls, in which the mouth-nose piece is an essential part of the Ambu Junior resuscitation doll. Instead of replacing complete facial skins, it is sufficient to replace only the mouth-nose piece for the Ambu Junior.

Safe and hygienic training with personal mouth and nose pieces

By giving each trainee a personal mouth-nose piece, safe and hygienic ventilation training with the Ambu Junior is guaranteed. After training, the facial skin can be thoroughly cleaned and reused, allowing the mouth-nose piece to be reused during subsequent sessions. This offers a sustainable and efficient solution for resuscitation training.

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