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Ambu Man BASIC

Original price €499,00 - Original price €499,00
Original price
€499,00 - €499,00
Current price €499,00

Cost-effective resuscitation training with the Ambu Man Basic

Meet the Ambu Man Basic, a CPR manikin designed to provide a realistic and affordable training experience. With its proven hygienic system and focus on ease of use, this manikin offers a clear improvement in quality for CPR training.

Extensive features for a realistic experience

Hygienic system with air pockets:
The Ambu Man Basic uses an efficient hygienic system where the face mask can be easily removed to replace the air bag. This ensures quick replacement without adjusting the chest skin, saving time and maintaining hygiene.

Lifelike torso counter pressure:
Experience realistic compressions thanks to the counter pressure of the torso, which significantly improves the quality of CPR training.

Realistic chest movement during ventilation:
When performing ventilations, the chest moves naturally, providing trainees with accurate feedback on their technique.

Various ventilation options:
The manikin supports various ventilation techniques, such as mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose and the use of masks, with realistic breathing resistance.

Robust and easy to clean:
The soft PVC skin of the Ambu Man Basic not only provides a realistic feel, but also makes the doll durable and easy to clean.

Feedback options:
Although the Ambu Man Basic functions as a stand-alone torso, there are alternative models such as the Ambu Man I for more extensive feedback and the Ambu Man W for advanced training results via the computer.

The Ambu Man Basic offers the perfect balance between quality, realism and cost-effectiveness, making it an ideal choice for resuscitation training in various environments.

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