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Ambu Man Basic iQF resuscitation doll

Original price €589,00 - Original price €589,00
Original price
€589,00 - €589,00
Current price €589,00

AmbuMan SAM iQF: innovative resuscitation manikin with advanced technology

The AmbuMan SAM iQF combines the robustness and reliability of previous models with the latest iQF technology for advanced resuscitation performance. Ambu’s patented hygiene system for mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose ventilation is retained, while the new iQF function provides improved, data-driven training possibilities.

Enhanced features via iQF app for enhanced CPR training

Thanks to Bluetooth, the AmbuMan SAM iQF can be paired with the iQF app, allowing up to six manikins to be connected simultaneously. Both instructors and participants have access to useful features via the iOS and Android apps, including:

  • CPR manuals for clear guidance
  • Multilingual options for instructors and participants
  • A metronome to maintain the correct compression rate
  • Feedback on compressions (number and depth) and ventilations (volume in ml)
  • Ability to save sessions for later evaluation

The AmbuMan SAM iQF enables instructors to teach CPR in an interactive and effective way, using accurate, real-time digital feedback.

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