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Ambu Man Instrument Next Generation resuscitation manikin

Original price €1.489,95 - Original price €1.489,95
Original price
€1.489,95 - €1.489,95
Current price €1.489,95

Realistic and flexible resuscitation training

Discover the Ambu Man I Torso, a training manikin that accurately represents the human anatomy. For varied training, the flexibility of the chest can be easily adjusted with a single screw. Ventilation is only possible with a correct chin lift, making the training even more realistic. The manikin also simulates realistic exhalation through the mouth and nose, thanks to the advanced hygiene system. The included carrying bag also serves as an exercise mat.

Detailed feedback during training

The Ambu Man I models are equipped with a mechanical abdominal control device that provides direct feedback on ventilation volume, compression depth in millimeters, stomach inflation and hand position. This allows trainees to accurately monitor and improve their techniques.

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