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Ambu Man School resuscitation doll

Original price €62,99 - Original price €62,99
Original price
€62,99 - €62,99
Current price €62,99

CPR training with the ambulance school

The training manikin, designed for large-scale basic CPR training, is ideal for educational purposes, especially in situations where the instructor provides advanced explanations using an advanced training manikin, such as the AmbuMan School. This manikin allows for simultaneous training of the rest of the group.

The AmbuMan School consists of a closed torso with a head that must be pre-inflated before training with the manikin can begin.

Functional training includes practicing CPR, respiration and using an AED. The AmbuMan School comes with a special AED training kit, including a mock AED trainer, training electrodes and a mock mobile phone.

To prevent cross-contamination, Ambu implements a unique hygienic system. Each trainee receives their own face mask and air bag, eliminating the risk of cross-infection between trainees using the same manikin.

Key Features of the Ambuman School

  • Compact and easy to transport.
  • Unique hygienic system from Ambu.
  • Simple chest compression training.

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