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Ambu Man Wireless Next Generation Torso CPR manikin

Original price €2.728,95 - Original price €2.728,95
Original price
€2.728,95 - €2.728,95
Current price €2.728,95

Innovative features for advanced CPR training

Discover the innovative Ambu module, which offers additional possibilities to enrich resuscitation training. Add realistic sound simulations, such as breathing, to the training for a more lifelike experience. In addition, different incidents, such as simulating a "911 call" or the correct "head tilt," can easily be added to the training scenarios. The wireless Ambu Mannekin Management module works seamlessly across various platforms and web browsers, increasing the flexibility and realism of the training.

Extensive training options and wireless connectivity

With realistic sound simulations and incidents such as "calling 911", CPR training becomes even more realistic. The module is compatible with all common operating systems and browsers, and the wireless connection offers flexibility for monitoring and data storage during the course. It also retains Ambu's unique hygienic system, with ventilation via a resuscitator bag, intubation exercises and adjustable chest stiffness.

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