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Ambu Uniman Sam resuscitation doll

Original price €240,45 - Original price €240,45
Original price
€240,45 - €240,45
Current price €240,45

Realistic CPR doll for AED training

Meet the Ambu Uniman+, the improved successor to the Uniman, specially designed for effective AED training and adapted to the 2010 - 2015 CPR guidelines. This CPR manikin offers students the opportunity to practice the full BLS algorithm with a realistic torso drawing, allowing for the application of AED pads during training.

Extensive features and ease of use

The Ambu Uniman+ features a closed torso, hygienic system and a compression depth indicator. In addition, the manikin supports realistic airway opening techniques and provides direct visual feedback, which provides a complete and safe training environment.

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