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AmbuMan School resuscitation doll 10 pieces

Original price €427,00 - Original price €427,00
Original price
€427,00 - €427,00
Current price €427,00

AmbuMan School for basic training in resuscitation and AED use

The AmbuMan School is specially designed for large-scale resuscitation training and offers the perfect solution for educational purposes. This training manikin is ideal for situations where the instructor provides detailed explanations with an advanced training manikin, while the rest of the group can practice simultaneously.

Hygienic and effective group resuscitation training

The AmbuMan School consists of a closed torso and an inflatable head that must be inflated before training. Students can practice chest compressions, rescue breathing and the use of an AED. The package includes an AED training kit with a mock AED trainer, training electrodes and a fake mobile phone for realistic scenarios. Ambu guarantees hygiene thanks to a unique system where each student uses their own face mask and air bag, which prevents the risk of cross-contamination. This makes the AmbuMan School compact, portable and ideal for safe group education.

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