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Physio-Control CR-Plus/Express electrodes child

Original price €149,00 - Original price €149,00
Original price
€149,00 - €149,00
Current price €149,00

Lifepak Pediatric Electrodes for Safe Resuscitation of Children

The Lifepak pediatric electrodes are designed for children aged 1 to 8 years, weighing less than 25 kg. Once the electrodes are connected, the AED automatically switches to the pediatric resuscitation protocol and lowers the shock level. Clear instructions for the correct placement of the electrodes are provided on both the packaging and the electrodes themselves.

Safe and Effective Use of Pediatric Electrodes

For infants and children, one electrode is placed on the back and the other on the chest. These electrodes are designed for single use and must be replaced after use.


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