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Prestan Baby CPR Doll

Original price €219,00 - Original price €219,00
Original price
€219,00 - €219,00
Current price €219,00

Realistic CPR training with direct feedback

The Prestan Baby CPR manikin provides a lifelike experience for training CPR skills. Not only does the manikin look realistic, but it also feels like a real situation during the training. What makes this manikin unique is the built-in feedback system that gives trainees immediate feedback on the frequency and depth of their chest compressions. This helps trainees improve their technique and perform CPR with more confidence.

Lightweight design and advanced features

The Prestan baby CPR manikin is designed for portability and ease of use. Its light weight makes it easy to take to different training locations, unlike heavier models from other brands. The manikin offers a realistic feel and appearance, which contributes to an authentic learning experience. This CPR manikin meets the strict requirements of both the FDA and the ERC, but for the Oranje Kruis exam the feedback function must be disabled.

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