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Prestan Baby CPR Doll 4-Pack

Original price €799,00 - Original price €799,00
Original price
€799,00 - €799,00
Current price €799,00

Lightweight and portable resuscitation doll

The Prestan Baby is the most lightweight and compact CPR manikin in the Prestan collection. The 4-pack comes in a convenient carrying case, making it easy to transport the manikins to different training locations. This Ultralite Baby features a shoulder-mounted feedback system, providing trainees with valuable feedback during training. This helps them improve their skills and build confidence in CPR situations.

Extensive training options with feedback

The Prestan Baby is a lighter, more portable version of the traditional Prestan Baby CPR manikin. The integrated feedback system, which easily attaches to the manikin’s shoulder, provides real-time visual feedback on CPR rate. Instructors and students can also choose to hide the light so that no visual feedback is provided. The 4-pack comes in a convenient carrying case, making it ideal for mobile training in smaller groups at various locations.

The feedback system provides visual cues on compression rate, while the click mechanism provides a realistic feel when reaching the correct compression depth (100-120 compressions per minute). This contributes to an effective, hands-on training experience.

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