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Prestan Ultralite CPR Manikin No Feedback 12 Pack

Original price €1.879,00 - Original price €1.879,00
Original price
€1.879,00 - €1.879,00
Current price €1.879,00

Handy solution for resuscitation training on the go

The Twelve Prestan Ultralite Torso Trolley provides an efficient and practical solution for mobile CPR training. These torsos are lightweight and easy to set up, making them ideal for on-the-go training. The torsos have a realistic feel to them and their light weight makes them easy to move to different training locations. The trolley allows you to easily transport multiple torsos for effective CPR training, wherever and whenever you need it.

Efficient storage and realistic design

The Prestan Ultralite 12-pack comes in a convenient roll-up bag, making it easy to transport and store the torsos. This makes the set perfect for providing CPR training to groups in various locations. The Ultralite torsos take up little space when stored and have a realistic appearance once assembled. In addition, the Prestan Ultralite torsos are FDA and ERC compliant, ensuring quality and reliability.

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