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Prestan Ultralite CPR Mannequin with Feedback 12 Pack

Original price €2.079,00 - Original price €2.079,00
Original price
€2.079,00 - €2.079,00
Current price €2.079,00

Handy solution for resuscitation training on the go

The Prestan Ultralite 12-pack torso trolley offers an efficient solution for mobile training. These lightweight torsos are easy to set up and ideal for training on the go. They feature a unique feedback system that provides instant feedback on compression rate and depth, helping students improve their skills and build confidence.

Efficient storage and realistic training options

The Prestan Ultralite 12-pack comes in a convenient roll-up bag, making it easy to transport and store the torsos. This pack is perfect for training multiple people at once in large groups, such as in educational institutions. The Ultralite torsos meet all FDA and ERC standards, ensuring quality and reliability.

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