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AED-Kasten in de zon

AED cabinets in the sun

An AED cabinet provides crucial protection for your AED, especially if it is placed outdoors. In sunny and warm climates, prolonged exposure to UV rays, heat, and weather can damage your AED. Fortunately, there are specially designed weatherproof AED cabinets that keep your device safe, even in the toughest conditions.

Why a weatherproof AED cabinet is essential

  • Protection against UV radiation: Direct sunlight can damage the electronic components of the AED. A UV-resistant AED cabinet prevents this.
  • Prevent heat stress: High temperatures can affect the performance of the AED. Special cabinets with ventilation or cooling ensure that the AED continues to operate within safe temperature limits.
  • Weatherproof: A water- and dust-proof case provides protection against rain, wind and dust, which is essential in changing weather conditions.

Which AED cabinet is suitable for use in the sun?

When choosing an AED cabinet for outdoor use, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • UV Resistance: Make sure the cabinet is made of material that is resistant to sun rays to prevent discoloration and aging.
  • Ventilation or insulation: A cabinet with thermal insulation or ventilation prevents the AED from overheating in summer.
  • Lock and security: Choose a cabinet with a lock or alarm system for extra security.

Placing the AED in the sun

If you are installing your AED in a sunny area, such as a sports field or public location, make sure the cabinet is placed in a shady spot if possible. This will extend the life of your AED and reduce the chance of overheating.

For more information about AEDs and their outdoor use, read the Guidelines of the Dutch Heart Foundation .

View our range of weatherproof AED cabinets and protect your AED in sunny conditions.

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