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Kan iedereen een AED bedienen?

Can anyone operate an AED?

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a life-saving device that can be found in many public places. But can anyone operate an AED? In this blog, we discuss the accessibility of AEDs and why using them is simple and safe, even for people without a medical background.

Simple design and instructions for use

AEDs are designed to be easy to use. Most devices have clear instructions and visual cues that guide users through the entire process. This makes it possible for anyone, regardless of their background or experience, to use an AED in an emergency.

Instructions and feedback

When you turn on an AED, the device gives spoken instructions and visual feedback. It tells you exactly what to do, such as applying the electrodes and starting the shock if necessary. This makes using an AED very accessible, even for people without medical training. More information about using an AED can be found on the Hartstichting .

Importance of training

Although anyone can use an AED, it is advisable to follow a training. Courses in resuscitation and AED use help you to act confidently and effectively in an emergency. The Red Cross offers various courses in which you can learn how to use an AED safely and effectively.

The Role of Citizen Responders

Citizen responders play a crucial role in emergency situations. By registering as a citizen responder and participating in training, you increase the chance that you can act adequately in the event of a cardiac arrest. More information about how you can contribute as a citizen responder can be found on the Red Cross website .

Accessibility of AEDs

It is important that AEDs are easily accessible in public areas. Make sure you know where the nearest AED is located so you can respond quickly in an emergency. Registering on platforms such as HartslagNu helps to make AED locations visible to everyone.


Yes, anyone can operate an AED, regardless of their medical background. AEDs are designed to be easy and safe to use, with clear instructions guiding you through each step. However, training is highly recommended to increase your confidence and skills.

Ready to save lives? Check out our range of AEDs and learn how you can make a difference in your community!

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