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Wat je moet weten over de 6 minuten zone

What you need to know about the 6 minute zone

In cardiac arrest, every second counts. The “6-minute zone” is a crucial concept that defines the time limit in which life-saving measures, such as the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) , should be taken. This article discusses the meaning of the 6-minute zone and how it can help you save lives.

What is the 6 minute zone?

The 6-minute zone refers to the time limit within which help must be provided to someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest. The chance of survival decreases significantly as time passes. It has been proven that the chance of survival decreases by 10% for every minute that passes without resuscitation or the use of an AED. The Dutch Heart Foundation emphasizes the importance of rapid help during this critical period.

Why is this time limit so important?

After six minutes without oxygen, brain damage begins and the risk of death increases significantly. It is vital that witnesses to a cardiac arrest act immediately. This includes calling 911, starting CPR and using an AED.

The Role of AEDs in the 6 Minute Zone

AEDs are designed to be used quickly and can save lives. The device provides spoken instructions and helps to deliver an electric shock to the heart if necessary. It is essential that AEDs are accessible in public areas and that people know where they are. Register the AED on platforms such asHartslagNu to ensure that others know where to find it.

Training and preparation

Training is crucial to be able to act effectively in an emergency. Taking a CPR course and learning how to use an AED increases the chance of successful CPR. The Red Cross offers courses in which participants learn how to save lives.

The impact of citizens on the 6 minute zone

Citizen responders play a vital role in saving lives within the 6-minute zone. By registering as a citizen responder and taking training, you can be ready to help when needed. The Red Cross has information on how to participate in training and act as a citizen responder.


The 6 minute zone is crucial when dealing with a cardiac arrest. Quick action can save lives, and it is essential that people know what to do in these critical moments. Make sure you are trained and know where the nearest AED is located.

Ready to help? Browse our range of AEDs and learn how to save lives!

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