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Een AED gebruiken bij vrouwen

Using an AED with women

Using an AED on women – Everything you need to know for a life-saving action

In an emergency situation where someone goes into cardiac arrest, every second counts. The right information and good preparation can make the difference between life and death. Especially when using an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on a woman, there are questions, doubts and taboos. But what do you do with a bra when you have to use an AED? Let's discuss this topic and explain the necessary steps to save lives.

Using an AED on a woman: Why should the bra be removed?

To properly use an AED on a woman, it is important to remove the bra. It may sound uncomfortable, but it is necessary because metal parts in the bra, such as underwires or fasteners, can disrupt the electric shock of the AED. A disruptive factor such as this can make all the difference in the effectiveness of the shock. Modesty must be set aside in this emergency, because saving a life comes first.

Why do people hesitate to use an AED on women?

Many people have a barrier to using an AED on women, often out of fear of discomfort when touching the chest area. But remember that an AED is designed to guide users through each step. This guidance helps you know exactly what to do, allowing you to act quickly without hesitation. Losing time can be fatal in the event of a cardiac arrest, so hesitation should not be an option.

Steps for Using an AED for Cardiac Arrest in Women

In the event of cardiac arrest, removing the bra is essential to allow the AED pads to be placed directly on the skin. Follow the AED instructions carefully:

  1. Check consciousness and breathing of the victim. If not breathing, act quickly.
  2. Remove any clothing that may be interfering with the placement of the pads. This may require removing the bra to properly position the pads.
  3. Place the AED pads according to the device instructions. Make sure they are directly on the skin for optimal effectiveness.

Conclusion: Every second counts

It is essential that we break all taboos around the use of AEDs in women and are well informed. Share this knowledge and visit AEDwijzer for more information about the use of AEDs and their life-saving impact. Because when it comes to saving a life, there is no room for doubt or hesitation.

Want to learn more about the female heart? Visit the Stichting Vrouwenhart website for comprehensive information about the unique risks, symptoms, and treatments of heart disease in women. Stichting Vrouwenhart actively works to raise awareness and save lives.

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