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Het vrouwenhart: herken de signalen en blijf gezond

The female heart: recognize the signals and stay healthy

Did you know that a woman's heart works differently than a man's? And that women experience different symptoms when they have heart problems? It is essential to know these differences so that you can act in time and protect yourself or others.

The woman's heart beats differently

Cardiovascular diseases often manifest differently in women than in men. For example, the coronary arteries – the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen – can have smaller and less visible constrictions in women. This makes it more difficult to diagnose heart problems, while the symptoms can be just as serious.

Hormones also play an important role. After menopause, the protective effect of estrogen decreases, which puts women at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore extra important to monitor your health closely during this phase of life.

What are the symptoms in women?

Heart problems in women are often not recognized right away, because the symptoms can be more subtle than in men. Look for these signs:

  • Fatigue without any apparent cause
  • Pain or pressure in the chest, back, jaw, or upper abdomen
  • Shortness of breath, especially during exertion
  • Nausea or dizziness
  • An unexplained feeling of dread or impending doom

Unfortunately, these complaints are often overlooked, both by women themselves and by healthcare providers. It is therefore very important to remain alert and, if in doubt, to consult a doctor.

Know the signs. Share the knowledge. Save lives.

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Next article Strong Together: professional emergency services and citizen emergency services in the fight against cardiac arrest

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