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  • Het vrouwenhart: herken de signalen en blijf gezond
    December 4, 2024 Bart de Visser

    The female heart: recognize the signals and stay healthy

    Did you know that women's hearts function differently than men's? Symptoms of heart problems are more subtle and are often missed. Fatigue, pain in unusual places, shortness of breath, nausea, or a feeling of impending doom can be warning signs. After menopause, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases due to hormonal changes. Be alert, know the signs and consult a doctor when in doubt. Learn more about heart health at vrouwenhart .nl .
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  • Samen Sterk: professionele hulpverlening en burgerhulpverleners in de strijd tegen hartstilstand
    November 14, 2024 Bart de Visser

    Strong Together: professional emergency services and citizen emergency services in the fight against cardiac arrest

    In the event of cardiac arrest, rapid assistance is crucial. In the Netherlands, police, fire brigade, ambulance personnel and citizen responders work closely together to make the most of these first, life-saving minutes. Police ensure safety, fire brigade often starts resuscitation, ambulance personnel provide specialized care, and citizen responders take quick action through initiatives such as HartslagNu. Together they form a powerful chain that can save lives.
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  • De juiste bewaaromstandigheden voor je AED: Zo zorg je voor een betrouwbare werking
    November 12, 2024 Bart de Visser

    The right storage conditions for your AED: How to ensure reliable operation

    An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a life-saving device that provides rapid intervention in the event of cardiac arrest, but to function optimally, proper maintenance and a suitable storage location are essential. Storage conditions play a major role in the effectiveness of the AED: extreme temperatures, moisture and dirt can adversely affect the performance of the device. In this blog, we provide tips on the best storage locations, from heated indoor areas to special AED cabinets outside, and discuss what to avoid to keep your AED reliable in emergency situations.
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